Grain (Class 9)
Committee Contacts
- D.A. Hackett: 528-2097
- Ross Errington
- Allan Scott
Rules and Directions
How to prepare vegetables
- Entries must be grown in 2015 on the exhibitor’s farm
- Exhibitor may enter only one exhibit per section
- All grain must be untreated
Prize List
Prizes (1 – 14):
Amounts: $10, $8, $6, $5, $3
- One Peck Fall Wheat – hard named
- One Peck Fall Wheat – soft named
- One Peck Oats – named
- One Peck Barley – 2 row
- One Peck Barley – 6 row
- One Peck Mixed Grain
- 1/4 Bale First Cut Hay – not chopped, (must be tied)
- 1/4 Bale Second Cut Hay – not chopped, (must be tied)
- Six Stalks of Ensilage Corn – specify variety and number
- Twelve Ears Cob Corn – specify variety and number, (display rack available)
- Five Soybeans plants with roots
- 1/2 bushel Hay silage in plastic bag
- 1/2 bushel Corn silage in plastic bag (can be grown in previous year)
- Tallest Stalk of Corn, root removed
Prize (15):
Gift certificate,
donated by Courtney Grain & Seed
- Most points in categories 1 – 14
Specials – Separate Entry
Prize (16):
Amounts: $15, $10;
donated by D.A. & Evelyn Hackett
- Best small bale of first cut hay
Prize (17):
Amounts: $20, $15, $10
- Sheaf of Wheat.
- Must be 6″ in diameter
- May be shown for 2 years.