Garbage Can Decoration Contest

Committee Contact

  • Murray Irvin: 812-1053

Rules and Directions

Decorate and/or paint a large, steel garbage provided by the
Lucknow Agricultural Society.

  • Call Murray Irvin to pick up your can.
  • Entries will be judged for detail and best promotion of the Lucknow Fall Fair
  • Entries to be submitted on Thursday, September 19 between 7-9:00 p.m. at the arena
  • Only 10 garbage cans available for the event, make sure to pick up yours!
  • All entries remain the property of the Lucknow Agricultural Society and will be used at the Fall Fair and other events sponsored by the Society


Open to adults, youth & children.

Prize List

Prizes (4):

Amounts: $50, $40, $25
All other entries eligible to receive $10

  1. Best Decorated Garbage Can