Parade (Class 1) 2016

Committee Contacts

  • Joanne McDonagh: 528-3406
  • Tracey Simpson: 395-4131

Rules and Directions


  • All parade entries to arrive no later than 10 a.m. for registration, judging & parade assembly
  • Teams of horses must be accompanied by a walker on each side
  • Candy and promotional items must be handed out, not thrown
  • No alcoholic beverages are allowed
  • Parade entries in the “spirit of the fair theme” will place over others which are not
  • All prizes in the parade, except horse hitches will be paid on fair day by the Treasurer (arena office)
  • Winners placements will be posted at fair office by 1:30 p.m.
  • Parade prize money may be picked up at the fair office at 1:30 p.m.

Parade registration information

Parade route

SEPT. 19, 2015 AT 11:00 A.M. sharp the parade begins at the corner of Campbell & Havelock Streets (United Church corner).

Assembly time: 10:00am

Where to meet:
Pipe Band at Bowling Alley corner, Campbell & Havelock

Children’s entries at corner of Campbell and Havelock south of the band

Pedestrians entries on Havelock between Campbell and Willoughby

Dignitaries on Havelock between Campbell and Willoughby

Floats & Vehicles on Havelock South of Willoughby to Canning St. Snobelen’s elevators)

Horses – on Willoughby, west of Havelock St.

Ambassadors and other bands on Willoughby east of Havelock


Related Documents

2015 Parade Entry Form (pdf)2015 Parade Poster (pdf)

Prize List

Children’s Section: (12 & under)

Prizes (1-5): $15, $10, $5

  1. Decorated bicycle
  2. Decorated tricycle
  3. Costumed child with wagon or cart
  4. Costumed owner & pet
  5. Decorated child’s motorized riding toy (battery)


Pedestrian Entries

Prizes (6-9): $15, $10, $5

  1. Best themed costume (12 & under)
  2. Best themed costume (13 – 17)
  3. Best themed costume (18 & 0ver)
  4. Most original entry on foot


Horse Entries

Prizes (10-16): $30, $20, $10

  1. Best costumed pony & rider
  2. Best costumed horse & rider
  3. Best single horse & decorated cart or buggy
  4. Best light team & decorated cart or buggy
  5. Best heavy team & decorated wagon
  6. Best 4 horse hitch & decorated wagon

16. Best mule hitch & decorated wagon



Prizes (17-22): $30, $20, $10

  1. School Float
  2. Church Float
  3. Club or Organization Float
  4. Best Comic Float
  5. Best Commercial Float
  6. Best Family/Clan Float



Prizes (23-26): $30, $20, $10

  1. Vintage tractor 50 years or older
  2. Vintage car or truck 25 years or older
  3. Modified or comic car or truck
  4. Off Road vehicle decorated in theme